For those born in the 1980s, average inheritances compared to lifetime income are projected to be almost twice as large as those born in the 1960s, according to new research from the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS), which as funded by the Nuffield foundation. And while inheritances are set to be larger for those with higher incomes, inheritances as a percentage of lifetime income look likely to be similar, on average, for low- and high-income households.
The report also finds that the expectation of inheritance may influence saving and investing behaviour.
Becky O’Connor, Head of Pensions and Savings at interactive investor, commented on the findings, urging people to discuss inheritance plans with their loved ones.
According to the interactive investor Great British Retirement Survey 2020, 42 percent of retired people had gifted money to their adult children to help them buy a property.
The survey also found an increasing proportion of non-retired parents have used lump sums from their pension to help their children (21 percent vs 14 percent of those who have taken sums).
“Inheritances are no longer a matter for wealthy families only," Ms O'Connor said.
"House price growth, which has largely benefited the ‘baby boomer’ generation, means anyone whose parents own a home is now likely to receive some form of inheritance during their lives.
“The IFS report shows how widespread and how influential this shift back to inherited wealth is likely to be.
"It also hints at how it is likely to change life choices for those in line to receive money from their parents.
“The consequences of this great generational wealth shift are profound both for individual families and the economy.
"Yet conversations about inheritance are still potentially very emotionally charged and awkward, and so largely avoided.
"Inheritance is the big elephant in the living room
“It’s really important that potential givers and receivers open up about what their plans are and the amounts that are actually at stake so that expectations are realistic.
"Millennials may have high hopes for receiving large lump sums, but if their parents’ pensions aren’t sufficient to get them through retirement, these amounts may never materialise."
Research by Hargreaves Lansdown has shown only a third of people are sure their parents have a will.
Sarah Coles, personal finance analyst at Hargreaves Lansdown, said: “We all like to think that our family will come together, united in grief, after we die, and put any disagreements aside.
"Unfortunately, it often isn’t the case. Despite the fierce restrictions in place during the pandemic, there were still funerals that got heated enough to end in headlines and arrests.
"Families and their relationships are complicated, and when you add an inheritance to the mix, they can be even more so.
"It means that while you’re still around, it’s important to take every step you can to avoid your family inheriting a headache.
"This includes tying up loose ends, talking to your family, making a will and dealing with tensions while you can.
"If there’s no way to stop your family falling out after your death, one way to be absolutely certain that people receive exactly what you want them to have, is to give gifts before you die.
"This means you’ll still be around to see them enjoy it. It also has inheritance tax benefits because you have an annual gift allowance of £3,000 a year that will come out of your estate immediately for inheritance tax purposes.
"You can also give gifts of any size that will pass out of your estate after seven years – as long as you live this long after giving the gift – helping you keep within the nil rate band.”
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