PIP: How to contact the DWP as back payments are processed - don't miss out on your money

PIP payments are awarded to those who need help with certain disabilities or health conditions but following a recent change in the law, thousands of claimants may be eligible for backdated support payments. Following the results of recent landmark tribunal rulings, the Government is now in the process of reassing how much people are paid through PIP.

The rulings found the DWP did not award the correct amount of PIP points to those who are struggling with certain mental health conditions.

Specifically, this concerned those who needed support in engaging face to face with others.

As a result of the changes, some PIP payments may need to be recalculated if they were affected by the previous (now out of date) guidance.

In 2020, the DWP paused its search for PIP claimants who will be affected by this as a result of coronavirus but this is set to start back up again soon.

READ MORE: PIP UK: Mandatory reconsideration & appeal rules explained

However, it should be noted that even as DWP searches for affected claimants, some may still be missed.

Citizens Advice explained: "The DWP has written to some people who they think might benefit from the change.

“However, the DWP might not correctly identify everyone, so you should contact them yourself.”

The quickest way to contact the DWP for these issues is likely to be through the PIP enquiry line.

The enquiry line can be contacted between Monday and Friday, 9am to 5pm.

On top of this, guidance on PIP rules can be found on the Government's website.

Additionally, impartial guidance on PIP and other state benefits can be sought from the likes of the Money Advice Service and Citizens Advice.

Initial claims for PIP can be made by calling the DWP or through the post.

PIP: How to contact the DWP as back payments are processed - don't miss out on your money PIP: How to contact the DWP as back payments are processed - don't miss out on your money Reviewed by Finance News on 19:36 Rating: 5

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