State pension warning as many Britons missing out on extra £4,659 - act now

State Pension payments assist millions of people in retirement, but depending on the amount one receives, the sum may have to be stretched. To unlock the full state pension sum, it is usually the case a person will need at least 35 years of National Insurance contributions. Indeed, to receive anything at all from the state pension, some 10 years of contributions are required.

Regardless, though, of what people receive from the state pension, there could be an opportunity to boost income.

It is made available through the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP), the same body responsible for overseeing the state pension.

The payment in question is known as Attendance Allowance, and is available to many people of state pension age.

The sum is designed to assist those with a disability severe enough that they need someone to help look after them.

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Those who do have a carer, though, could tell this individual they could get Carer’s Allowance if substantial caring needs are involved.

Attendance Allowance is currently paid at two different rates, with the amount a person receives based on their circumstances.

Qualifying individuals can receive either £60 or £89.60 per week.

The lower rate, the Government states, is for those who need “frequent help or constant supervision during the day, or supervision at night”.

But for the higher rate, individuals will need to require help or supervision throughout both day and night, or be terminally ill.

Across the year, then, Britons may be entitled to up to £4,659 worth of support from this payment. 

Attendance Allowance is also not a means-tested payment from the DWP.

This means what a person earns or how much they have in savings does not impact the amount they receive.

Attendance Allowance, however, could open Britons up to a whole world of possibilities and assistance in their day to day lives.

The Government has confirmed some recipients may also be able to get additional Pension Credit, Housing Benefit or a Council Tax Reduction for their claim.

To apply, all Britons will need to do is use the Attendance Allowance claim form, accessible through the Government’s official website or the Attendance Allowance helpline.

Here, they can print this off and then send it by post, where a postcode and stamp is not required.

Attendance Allowance can be backdated to the date of a person’s claim. 

This is usually the date the form is received or the date an individual calls the enquiry line.

State pension warning as many Britons missing out on extra £4,659 - act now State pension warning as many Britons missing out on extra £4,659 - act now Reviewed by Finance News on 15:35 Rating: 5

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